- Human Body1
- Human Body 2
- Human Body 3
- Adjectives of description
- Ordinal numbers (1-10), (1-20)
- Places in town: exercise 1, exercise 2 (matching), exercise 3 (Word search), exercise 4 (match to finish the sentences)
- GAME: make your room (usa el vocabulario aprendido sobre la casa y decora tu habitación)
- ANIMALS. exercise 1 (very easy), exercise 2 (punto 1: ordena las letras para formas palabras; punto 2: ver el vídeo y escribir el nombre de los animales que se ven; punto 3: completar las palabras con las letras que faltan; punto 5: clasifica los animales en aves, peces, mamíferos y reptiles), exercise 3 (escribe el nombre de los animales).
- ANIMALS AND PRESENT SIMPLE. Exercise 1 (very easy)
- CLOTHES. Exercise 1, Winnie the witch,
- JOBS. exercise 1, exercise 2, exercise 3
- To be
- Have got
- To be /have got
- personal pronouns 1, 2,
- Possessive adjectives: 1, 2
- this, that, those, these
- Question words
- how much/how many; 1, 2
- a/ an/ some/ any. Exercise 2
- there is/ there are: Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Exercise 3
- Present Simple Affirmative: Exercise 1 (choose the correct form, easy), Exercise 2 (drag, easy), Exercise 3 (choose), Exercise 4 (fill in the spaces, easy), Exercise 5 (fill in the spaces, more difficult);
- PRESENT SIMPLE AND DAILY ROUTINES: exercise 1, exercise 2, exercise 3
- PAST SIMPLE: TO BE. exercise 1, exercise 2, exercise 3, exercise 4, exercise 5, exercise 6, exercise 7
- PAST SIMPLE: regular verbs (exercise 1, exercise 2); irregular verbs (exercise 1)
- Practica la terminación -ing:click here.
- Exercise 1: elige la forma correcta.
- Exercise 2.
- Exercise 3.
- Exercise 4.
- Exercise 5.
- Exercise 6: questions.